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(click the button below and create an account, please use a desktop or laptop computer to complete your submission)


All entries must have three (3) layers (top, batting and backing).

Quilts that have been exhibited at the Atlanta Quilt Festival in the past are not eligible.

Adhere to all dates in the Call For Entries.

Submit an entry form for each quilt online, or mail to Atlanta Quilt Festival, 505 Stonebriar Way  SW, Atlanta, GA 30331, or email entry form to

A description of your quilt is required. Include dimensions, techniques and inspiration.


Give proper credit to others who worked on your quilt including pattern designers and long arm quilters. Use additional sheets of paper if needed.

Quilts may not exceed 60 X 72 inches and must have a hanging sleeve and label on the back with your name and name of quilt.

Submit at least one full view of the completed quilt and one detail view.


Submit no more than three (3) quilts per person, with separate entry forms for each quilt.

The entry fee is non-refundable and is applied to the cost of presenting the exhibition.

Digital images may be submitted via email You may crop the background only. Include photos if you are mailing your entry.

If you mail your quilt, please include return postage for your quilt(s).

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