T-Shirt Quilt Class
Turn Your Old T-shirts into a Quilt
Brenda Shelby, Teacher
Time: 10 am to 4 pm
Place: Southwest Arts Center
Fee: $55.00
Finally your old t-shirts can have a useful and memorable purpose. Whether they are your sports t-shirts, t-shirts that document your child’s life, sorority/fraternity t-shirts, college t-shirts, or vacation t-shirts, now they can have a permanent home. Learn the process for making a T-shirt quilt. Your quilt can be a small quilted wall hanging or a large bed quilt. Bring a minimum of 4 t-shirts and as many as 25. A sewing machine is required for this class, and you must know how to sew on your machine. There will not be time in this class for individual instruction on how to operate your machine.
4 -25 t-shirts to cut up and put in a quilt
Fabric to go with your T shirts; fabric can be strips or fat quarters plus a bigger piece.
The amount of fabric depends on the size of your quilt. See class project picture for guidance.
Basic sewing supplies
Several ironing boards, irons, and cutting mats will be available in the class room, but you may want to bring your travel mat, ruler, and iron to reduce wait time.
Continental breakfast and lunch included in the class fee.
Please contact the instructor Brenda Shelby if you have questions at Ashelby@comcast.net.